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Project: Hole #7 Renovation and Pond Beautification Project 

Client: The Legends Golf Club 

Location: Sherwood Park, Alberta 


In an effort to address pace of play, sightlines, drainage, and typical wear and tear concerns, OC Golf Design was commissioned in Fall 2020 to explore a variety of course improvement options.  Completed in two consecutive phases, phase I generally included extensive cattail removal and pond edge beautification on several holes to improve sightlines and increase pace of play. Phase II focused on the improving playability and turf conditions specifically on hole #7 and generally included: redeveloping the entire tee complex to double the amount of tee-able area; installing subsurface drainage in multiple areas; removing cattails and pond vegetation along the pond edge; redeveloping the existing creek; revising mowing patterns to accentuate design features and re-establish ground game features; expanded the existing pond to generate fill materials; and finally, creating additional interest by redeveloping the existing bunker to become strategically important by reshaping the bunker to appear as if it is tucked into the greenside. The work is currently underway with the remainder of finish shaping and sodding to be completed in Spring 2021.

Ohnysty Crough Golf Design 

56 Naples Way

St. Albert, Alberta, Canada 

T8N 7G1                                                                                                                                                                 © Ohnysty Crough Golf Design 2019


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